Talaera Talks - Business English Communication

55. What is the Best Way to Say Goodbye in English? - Talaera Bits

July 12, 2022 Talaera Business English Communications Training Episode 55
Talaera Talks - Business English Communication
55. What is the Best Way to Say Goodbye in English? - Talaera Bits
Show Notes Transcript

What is the best way to say goodbye? If the conversation has gone too long, or you just need to leave, here are some great ways to end a conversation and say goodbye in a polite way.

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Paola Pascual  0:03  
Welcome to Talaera Talks, the business English communication podcast for non-native professionals. My name is Paola and I am co-hosting the show with Simon.

Simon Kennell  0:13  
In this podcast, we're going to be covering communication advice and tips to help express yourself with confidence in English in professional settings. So we hope you enjoy the show.

Paola Pascual  0:24  
What is the best way to say goodbye in English? Hi, my name is Paola and I have a new Talaera Bit for you today. So if a conversation has gone too long, or you just need to leave, here are some great ways for you to say goodbye in a polite way. Right. The structure we often use in English consists of three very simple steps: SIGNAL, TRANSITION, and GOODBYE. I'm sure you do something similar in your native language. But let's have a look at what that sounds like in English. 

Paola Pascual  0:58  
So as we said, signal word transition and goodbye. Signal Words are: All right, All right then, So, Right, Okay, Well... And they signal –they don't really say goodbye, but they do signal that the conversation is coming to an end, or that you would like for the conversation to end at least soon. 

Paola Pascual  1:23  
Then we tend to use it transition phrase, for example, It was nice talking to you, or It was nice seeing you, or It was nice to see you again. Nice to see you, Nice chatting with you, or Great to see you. Right. Other transition phrases are, I've got to get going, or I should get back to work. Or this one's very common in business meetings. I know you're busy, so I won't keep you any longer. Right. So we have the SIGNAL word, and the TRANSITION, and we tend to combine them together, for example. All right, I should get back to work. Or, Well, I know you're busy, so I won't keep you any longer. See? Perfect. 

Paola Pascual  2:10  
Now the third step is to say GOODBYE. The most standard version, or like the standard goodbye is to say, Bye, right? It's short, simple, and you can say it to absolutely anyone. It could be you know, it's appropriate for friends and family, but also for coworkers and business partners. So even if you use any of the other expressions on, you know that the ones that we're covering today, you can still say bye as well afterwards. Then you also have bye-bye, we usually use this one with kits, it's more used for children. But if you do use it with adults, remember to only stress the second bye. So it sounds more like buh-bye. Right. The third one that I would like to share with you the third goodbye word is Bye for now, I use this one quite a bit in meetings. And, you know, it's it's a very polite way of saying you know, I need to go but I would like to see you again. Right. That's it for now. Bye for now. We also say Take care. It's not too informal or too close. And as we said you can combine it with by Alright, take care. Bye. Bye, take care. We'll also have the "See you" phrases. See you tomorrow. See you later. See you soon. See you on Thursday. See, ya.

Paola Pascual  3:44  
You can also say Have a good day, Have a good evening, Have a good flight, and also Have a good one. Have a good one is a very general way of saying Have a good whatever the time of day it is. 

Paola Pascual  3:58  
You can also add Keep in touch, Talk to you later, or Keep me posted. Keep me posted is what you use if you would like the other person to keep you updated. Right? Keep keep me posted or keep me in the loop means let me know how things are going; give me an update. 

Paola Pascual  4:19  
And then the last ones I've wanted to share with you are super informal. So do not use them for work! They're only for kids we have See you later, alligator. See you soon, raccoon, in a while, crocodile, Adios Amigos, and Bye Felicia. Again, do not use the last few. They are definitely only used for kids. 

Paola Pascual  4:42  
So quick recap. When we want to say goodbye in English, we tend to use the three step structure that we talked about today. Signal Word such as. Right, so right. Okay, well And we tend to add a transition phrase like, I've got to get going, or It was nice talking to you, or I know you're busy, or I wouldn't keep you any longer. And then the goodbye. Bye, the most common one that you can combine with everything. Bye for now is great for meetings or when you're talking to a client. And it means I really hope to see you again. And then Take care, See you tomorrow, See you soon, See ya, Have a good day, Have a good one are very, very common once. And then if you would like to stay in touch, or you would love the other person to give you an update, you could say things like, Keep in touch. Keep me posted, or Keep me in the loop. All right. I'll talk to you later and have a good one. 

Paola Pascual  5:55  
And that's all we have for you today. We hope you enjoyed it. And remember to subscribe to Talaera Talks. We'll be back soon with more!

Simon Kennell  6:03  
And visit our website at talaera.com for more valuable content on business English. You can also request a free consultation on the best ways for you and your team to improve your communication skills. So have a great day and keep learning!